The Dark Mother

Official Trailer
In a bygone era in Cambodia, a small family resided. Nuon carried her pregnancy for several months with concerns that her baby may not survive. During her husband's absence, the villagers accused her of being the Dark Mother. Despite Nuon's efforts to protect her child, the local children feared her and refused to stay with her. The subsequent separation from her family left Nuon devastated. She recognized that a mother, whether human or ghost, must be present to care for her children.

Main Credit
Exceutive Producer:
Directed by:
Story Screenplay:
Production Manager:
Director of Photography:
Bun Channimol
Kou Darachan
Sorn Sreylin
Bun Chantith
Suk Dara
Still Frame

Production Note
Executive Producer: Bun Chhannimol
Production Manager: Bun Chantith
Story Screenplay: Sorn Sreylin
Director: Kou Darachan
Assistant Director: Nhoel Sovannary, Phim Sonita
Director Of Photography: Suk Dara
Camera Man: Nan Sophanith
Assistrant Camera: Kim Phanith, Tep Daro
Lighting: Thy Rong, Pin Peoun, Sao Phon
Sound Operator: Phim Pailin
Prop Design: Nhoel Sovannary, Tep Daro, Sao Phon
Custom Design: Kun Chanry
Make Up Artist: Khly Sokleap
Driver: Suk Choeb, Hay Darun
Mastering: Nhun Piseth
Editor: Lorn Sovannary
Assistant Editor: En Chanreach
Colorist: Yon Maov
Motion Graphic & Vidual Effects: Song Bunnet, Yem Sokha, Ouch Sopheap
Sound Mixer: Mex Satya, Phoung Phouroth (Finajy)
Surround Sound: Phoung Phouroth (Finajy)
Graphic Design: Sok Somnang
Dubbing: Iv Thavunth, Sor Sokunthy, Pin Samneang , Ham Savoeut, Bunchhoen Sorida
Casts: Seng Chanlaiee, Thul Makara, Hong Chansorvorleak, Men Keosaopiseth, Vannak Sokhavireakyuth, and Other Special Guests